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Monday, March 9, 2009

Motivation to Move This Fall

Busy Bodies Health and Fitness Column
Kelly Gonzalez
Publishing Date: September 10, 2008
Tag Line: Kelly Gonzalez is a Johns Hopkins University graduate, certified personal trainer, and competitive athlete. Please contact Kelly with questions and comments at

Motivation to Move this Fall

Summer is winding down and coming to a close. Life seems to pick up pace at lightening speed as soon as September arrives. Vacation time has ceased, the kids are back in school, and happy or sad- bathing suit season is just about over.
With less free time it may become more difficult to find the time to fit working out into your busy schedule. When work, errands, and carting the kids from school to practice and so forth is the main priority the motivation to workout tends to decline. Here are some ways to help you stick with your workouts and motivate you to get moving this fall!

What’s Your Reason?

The ability to motivate oneself is challenging. In order to stick with your workouts you first must have a reason to do so. Having to wear a bathing suit all summer long is a great motivator, but if that was your motivation you may have to dig a little deeper now that fall has arrived.
Think of the reasons why you workout. Whether it’s for enjoyment, sense of accomplishment, because your doctor said you have to for health reasons, or if it’s to look the best at an upcoming event- giving your workouts a purpose will keep you going day after day.
Write down what your reason is keep it somewhere as a reminder. When you don’t feel like stepping out the door it can be just the kick you needed.

Keep Track of Your Success

Keeping a training log can be very motivational as you can look back and see improvements you’ve made week after week. A training log does not have to be extensive. By just writing down the activity, time or distance, and how you felt can be enough to evaluate your achievements.

If you’ve been working out this summer jot down the positive gains you’ve received like more energy, weight loss, less back pain, etc. These small accomplishments will help you keep working towards bigger, better, and more rewarding goals.
If you prefer visuals take photos of yourself every 6-8 weeks to see how your body is changing due to your new and improved healthy lifestyle. Using photos can also keep you from becoming discouraged. If the numbers on the scale aren’t dropping as fast as you like photos can provide you with valuable feedback and show physical changes.

Have a Support System

With anything you do it’s important to surround yourself with people who support your aspirations and understand that what you’re doing is important to you. Everyone chooses his or her own lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle that involves regular exercise and healthy eating is not something that everyone enjoys or understands. Self-motivation is rare and can be seen in a negative light, because it is uncommon. Having the ability to motivate yourself to accomplish a meaningful goal is a gift.

Don’t let negative people bring you down.

Instead, find friends and groups that have similar goals. Try joining a gym that offers exercise classes; join running or cycling clubs, or workout with a friend to help one another stay on the right track.

Additional Tips to Help You Stay Motivated:
- Make a pre-workout play list of songs that pump you up and get you psyched for your workout
- Buy new workout stylish workout clothes/accessories/gym equipment- if you spent the money on it you’ll want to put it to use
- Lay out your workout gear or packed gym bag the night before
- Find a role model whether it’s a family member or friend or someone famous that leads a healthy lifestyle and looks great
- Read motivational quotes and sports quotes
- Educate yourself about fitness- the more you know, the more reasons you’ll have to workout.

Remember, “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
If you have any fun motivational tips that work for you I would love to hear them. Please feel free to contact me by email.

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