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Monday, March 9, 2009

Pack it to Go

Kelly Gonzalez
Health and Fitness
Busy Bodies
Deadline Date: August 1, 2008
Published Date: August 6, 2008

Pack it to Go

Sarah has to work a double at the restaurant today. She hits the snooze button on her alarm clock and wakes up minutes before having to rush out the door at 9AM. She only has time to throw on her uniform, brush her teeth, and find her missing car keys. Breakfast doesn’t cross her mind until things slow down around 2PM. She realizes she hasn’t eaten yet and orders a side of fries from the kitchen when she finds a moment and sips on a soft drink while she punches orders into the computer. She works until 10 PM barely slowing down. When her shift is finally over she realizes that she is absolutely starving. She’s exhausted and picks up an order of Chinese carryout on her way home. She eats the oversized portion until she’s so full that she’s sleepy and goes to bed.

Does this scenario sound familiar? Unfortunately, this eating habit has become very prevalent for a large majority of Americans. We are so short on time that we forget to take care of our bodies. Whether you’re busy at work or relaxing on the beach it’s important to remember to eat regularly in order to support a strong healthy body through an efficient metabolism. I don’t need to remind you. You’ve heard time and time again how important it is to eat smaller meals throughout the day, but it can be difficult. Here are some tips to plan and pack for success.

Grocery shop with purpose

Plan ahead for 4-5 days. Think of what would be easiest and what you like most for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. It’s good to know your upcoming schedule-if you have to be out of the house early most days buy quick items like yogurt or meal replacement bars for breakfast. If you have plans for dinner two nights that week you won’t need to buy as much.
Make note of meals for the week and what ingredients can be used for various meals and snacks. Get at least two protein sources in bulk like chicken, fish, or turkey and plan meals around them. Choose side dishes, ingredients for a salad, and marinades. Choose fruits and vegetables that can be used in multiple dishes. For example pre-washed broccoli makes a great add-in for egg white omelets, can be added to salads, steamed as a side dish or eaten raw with dip as a snack. Using your vegetables in different recipes prevent them from spoiling and keeps you from wasting money and nutrition.

Buy and use a cooler

Not many of us have the luxury of being able to cook and eat all meals at home. Therefore, to eat healthy meals on the go you must plan ahead and pack it, or have healthy food joints as a choice around you so you don’t fall prey to fast food.
Whole, fresh foods that are minimally processed are the best for you and those foods need to be kept cool and fresh so an insulated cooler with ice packs is essential. It’s easy to bring a cooler packed with fresh foods if you’re going to the beach for the day, but it can be a bit more difficult if you’re working in a rushed and busy place like a restaurant. Always try to eat a meal high in fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates before your shift to keep you fuller longer. Have easy portable snacks like a meal replacement bar, grapes, carrot sticks, or nuts on hand so you can sneak a bite when possible.
Use your cooler often- for long car rides, when you’re running errands, going to sporting events, etc. The idea is to get into the habit of preparing and planning to eat healthy meals and having them on hand which helps you get in the habit of eating smaller portions more often, thus working towards your overall fitness goals.

Cook in Bulk

Find a time and day that you are able to set aside for grocery shopping, meal planning, and preparing. For example, on a Sunday afternoon you may buy and cook enough chicken breasts for the whole week. You could cut it up to top salads, pour marinara sauce over and eat with whole-wheat pasta, or marinate and serve with steamed vegetables.
If you cook a big dish like lasagna, make burgers from lean ground beef, or cook a big pot of spaghetti sauce you can put some in Tupperware containers for the week’s meals and freeze the rest to defrost and have another time. Not only is this ensuring quick and healthy meals it is also a big money saver.

Healthy snack ideas

Try some of these suggestions to throw in your cooler for the beach or workday.

- Yogurt and ½ cup of dried low sugar cereal or granola with walnuts and raisins
- Fresh fruit (try to eat fruits that are in season)
- Raw carrots, broccoli, and celery with light vegetable dip
- Sliced apple with 2 tbsp of peanut butter
- Protein bar
- Turkey sandwich on wheat with mustard, lettuce, tomato, and avocado
- Homemade trail mix- unsalted mixed nuts with dried cranberries, dark chocolate morsels, granola
- Tuna salad- canned tuna, pepper, mustard, diced celery, onions, sundried tomato. Served on whole-wheat crackers.

Plan to eat meals every 3-4 hours. It’s important to distribute your calories evenly throughout the day or even eat more in the morning and afternoon when energy demands are greatest and less before going to bed. I like the saying, “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.”

When you’re on the go, pack healthy snacks to avoid cravings, stopping for fast food, and eating unhealthy processed foods. Choose to pack it to go or pack on the pounds.

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